Friday, April 19, 2013

Be on the Lookout for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, IF THATS YOUR REAL NAME ! This scumbag is armed and dangerous and will kill Innocent Women and children to avoid Capture. and to ALL the Anti Gun Lobbyist.. What would you do if this Scumbag Broke into your house in the night ?

BOSTON LOCKDOWN: Suspect 1 Dead, Suspect 2 Believed Cornered *Updated*
by Wild Bill on April 19, 2013
UPDATE 3: ABC News spoke to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s father from his home in the Russian city of Makhachkala, who leveled a warning, a threat to U.S. law enforcement.

“Give up. Give up. You have a bright future ahead of you. Come home to Russia,” the dad said. The father warned, however, “If they killed him, then all hell would break loose.” “If they kill my second child, I will know that it is an inside job, a hit job. The police are to blame,” the father told ABC News. “Someone, some organization is out to get them.” I think the Father bought the Pressure cookers for his sons, they all need to be investigated !

UPDATE 2: Russian President Vladimir Putin has contacted the White House to express sympathy and outrage for the terrorist bombings and the ensuing chaos. This BBC article and the reporting of Putin targeting Chechen rebels occurred around the time the Tsarnaev family reportedly sought asylum in the U.S. .....AND WE GAVE IT TO THEM... WHAT THE HELL ???

SHELTER IN PLACE order has gone out across the entire city of Boston, Massachusetts, the entire Boston area in lockdown. NBC’s Pete Williams is reporting that the Boston Police have a two others in custody, but not arrested, perhaps one a relative of the two brothers, who have been identified as terrorists who committed the Boston Marathon bombings. NBC also reporting the authorities know where Suspect 2 is hiding and is pictured above, with Suspect 1 having been killed in the dead of night Friday morning.

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